When we dropped off the Subaru in American Fork for an oil change this afternoon, it occurred to me that Fetal Fotos was only five minutes away. I had a dream last night that I birthed a sweet baby boy, and I was really curious to know if this baby is indeed a boy. So Abe and I took the girls over to Fetal Fotos, and fifteen minutes later we found out…it’s a boy!
At first he was sleeping with his legs crossed over his bottom, so the ultrasound technician couldn’t see anything. She suggested I move around and poke my belly to wake the baby up. I poked and prodded (and prayed) that the baby would wake up, and a minute later she came back. He was awake! And he let us know he’s a he. We are so excited. I have pictures of him, but they are in the car. I will post them tomorrow.
That is the really big news of the day, but in terms of time spent, Abe and I both spent the entire day working on the house. Abe is finishing the play closets in the girls room, and David came over tonight to help him wallpaper one of them. They did an amazing job.
Here’s a video of the girls painting the ceiling of their closet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9JmgjLVGcQ