Today is probably best summed up by bullet points.
- Feed girls
- Bathe girls
- Get girls ready for the day (dress, hair, teeth, shoes, pray)
- Swim
- Groceries
- Provo library
- Picnic with Abe at Qualtrics’ park
- Read to girls
- Drop Lydia off at camp
- Mary and Mama nap
- Pick Lydia up from camp
- Read to girls
- Give girls snacks
- Set up kiddie pool and let girls play for an hour and a half
- Clean kitchen and throw out four more garbage bags of stuff
- Make dinner
- Clean kitchen
- Bedtime
- Blog/email/online register girls for summer reading
Sometimes (all the time?) I feel like a lump on a log that does nothing but lie in bed all day. I do take long naps, and sometimes I retire to my bed more than once during the day. But that’s one of the reasons I like blogging. Hey, I wasn’t completely indolent!
Also, an anecdote: Abe was chasing Mary around pretending to steal her flower. Mary screamed, “Nooooo! DON’T!!! I’m so special to God!!!”