I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. The past couple nights I have woken up at 3 or 4 am and then couldn’t fall back asleep. Yesterday I solved the problem by giving in and heading to the gym to swim, but today I just lay in bed exhausted.
And then I was so grumpy with Abe and the girls all morning that I felt miserable and guilty. In the middle of my sad-sad inner dialogue, I heard the girls talking to each other about how much they like their mama. I couldn’t believe my ears. I felt so unlikeable! But that’s one of the many beautiful things about children–they still see the good, even when it’s not exactly shining through.
Then I called my mom and felt better. The rest of the day turned around and I didn’t feel grumpy at all. I hope I sleep through the night so I can stay on this happy train for the rest of the weekend (and not ruin everyone else’s weekend!).
When we got to the library this morning for the stuffed animal pick-up, Mary looked up at the mountain and cried, “There’s a letter on the mountain! Quick, Mommy, get it off!” I tried to explain to her that the letter is BYU’s “Y” and that we will hike there one of these days, but I don’t think she understood.Stuffed animal pick-up.There were hundreds of slides with pictures of all the different animals posed in the library. The girls watched in fascination until finally pictures of their animals popped up. I was standing and uncomfortable, so I was thankful when their animals finally appeared–it meant that I could usher them straight back to the car for the rest of our errands.After playing in the kiddie pool, they girls planted seeds in a pot Lydia decorated at camp. I was cooking and didn’t oversee the planting. They watered the seeds so much that the poor seeds practically floated in the muddy mess, but the girls had a blast. Also, Mary’s new swimsuit is too big. I keep thinking that by now, surely she will fit into 2T clothes, but, alas, 18-24 months is still our best bet (even though she’ll be three in three months…)Abe came home and tried to pick the ripe cherries on our tree. Sadly, our trees didn’t produce much this year. The neighbors assure us that in previous years the trees were so loaded that neighbor boys made a small fortune selling the cherries on the street corner, but this year…not so much.
Also, I didn’t take a picture of this, but I lost my mind and made gingerbread today. I have been craving it for a week and finally gave in. This might be the first time that gingerbread and watermelon teamed up to make a dessert…but my craving is satisfied!