We just had a great dinner with Lucas and Kim at Chef’s Table, and now all I want is to go to bed! Here are some pictures from the day.
The kids wanted to play with food art again this morning. For some reason, this simple activity takes an hour and a half–perfect for my nap! And the mess is so minimal that I’m thrilled, thrilled, thrilled with the whole scenario.
Later in the day I took the girls to the park. The weather was divine, and we had the whole park to ourselves because it kept thundering–no rain, though. Also, I got to talk with Clark on the phone. Today is his birthday!
After the park, we headed to Michael’s for some more clay and crafts. Mary was so tired she staggered inside and collapsed on the floor. She rallied minutes later to play with clay and has been going strong ever since. It’s 10:12 pm, and even though she hasn’t napped at all today, she’s still refusing to go to bed. I forgot to record that Mary gave up her binky this past week! She lost her last one and hasn’t even asked for it. We are so happy to have her off of it (I thought she would want it until she turned 15 at least), but the downside is now she has zero interest in sleeping. Ever.After I folded laundry and tidied upstairs with Lydia, I went to the basement half fearing that Mary had taken a 4pm nap (ensuring bedtime craziness). Nope! She was hard at work constructing this “masterpiece” (her words).