This morning I took the girls to the farm at Thanksgiving Point.
The girls took a pony ride. I was hanging on to Mary the whole time to make sure she didn’t tumble off, but I got a picture of them waiting in line.
While other more fun and adventurous parents were encouraging their children to interact with the animals at the petting zoo, I stuck popcorn in my kids’ hands so that they wouldn’t get close to the animals. All I could imagine was angry llamas biting off their little fingers, and so this approach soothed my neurosis.
We went to IN-N-Out for lunch.
Then we came home and did not venture out again until 8pm, at which time we went to Old Navy to try to find some clothes for Ammon. We ended up getting more stuff for the girls than Ammon, though. So far he has: three onesies and a windbreaker. Good thing we have three months to go before we actually have to clothe this baby.