Aside from a trip to the chiropractor, we stayed home all day. We were going to go to the temple, but our babysitter had to reschedule. It all worked out, though. Abe was up until 1 am trying to catch up on work last night, and I’m sure he’ll get more out of the temple when he’s had more sleep.
I have two pictures from today:

Lydia came up with a basketball game called “Hand in your shirt.”
1. The rules are like Horse, but if you’re the “goodest,” you get an extra shot if you miss. Since Lydia is the goodest, she always gets an extra shot.
2. Also, you have to shoot with your hand in your shirt.
3. And instead of spelling “horse,” you spell “hand in your shirt.”
4. Actually, you don’t have to spell “hand in your shirt.” If you do a good job, you win and the game is over.