Yesterday we went to Jere’s ward and heard some amazing Sacrament talks. The third one had a phrase I don’t want to forget. He talked about how the walk of faith is a sharp mountain ridge between two steep cliffs: On the one side we have a 20,000 foot drop off of unbelief, agnosticism, atheism, and even anti-theism, and on the other we have religious superstition, magical thinking, and pharisaical practices. In the middle is the sharp, dynamic, faithful walk of the believer. Abe commented as we left, “The Church is true in Palo Alto!”
Then we went with Abe’s family to lunch. They all just happened to be in town visiting Jere at the same time we came!
Then we went to Muir Woods National Monument. It was incredibly beautiful.
On the way, we drove over the Golden Gate Bridge.With the trunk of a redwood tree.
Mary found a leaf.
Lydia got mad because we took away her walking stick. Mary was happy, as usual.Lydia is cheered by the fairy tree door.
On the way back, we went to this scenic look-out.Jere is an artist and great picture taker. You can see the difference in the pictures he took and the one I took.This is the one I took.This is Jere’s.
It was windy and cold.
Mary “reading” the menu at dinner.After dinner, Jere took us for a tour of his work at Tableau. It was fun, but it reinforced the girls’ understanding that work means treats. Tableau is a tech company that has candy bars and food bars just like Qualtrics. At the end, Suzanne joked that the girls couldn’t visit her work because they wouldn’t understand a work environment without treats. Then I remembered that they had visited Suzanne at her work before–on Halloween. If they ever take a job at a place without treats, their world vision might just shatter.