This morning we went to Little Gym for the girls’ gymnastics class. Mom and I had so much fun watching all the little kids run and tumble around.
Then we rushed home so I could feed the kids before preschool. After I picked Lydia up from preschool, we went on some special birthday-party errands for Mary’s party tomorrow. She felt special. We bought two ice cream cakes, one from Cold Stone and the other from Baskin Robbins. By the time we got to Baskin Robbins, we had been doing errands for over an hour and a half. I thought Lydia–and I–both deserved ice cream for our efforts.

This evening Abe took the girls to a Bee’s baseball game with his dad while Mom and I stayed home and talked. We watched some TED talks and the trailer for Half the Sky.
Abe sent me pictures from the game. Apparently they are having fun!