This morning the girls played sweetly near Nana all morning. She took lots of cute pictures and a video.
We went to Abe’s favorite lunch spot, Macaroni Grill, for lunch today. He loves this chain because they are very close to Qualtrics and have $7 lunches in 7 minutes or less.

We then tried to stroll along Bridal Veil Falls, but it was packed. Thinking we would outsmart the crowds, we drove up past Sundance to the Timpanogas trail head. Again–packed! The drive was beautiful though. We drove back down the canyon and decided to give Mom a tour of Qualtrics and then walk Abe’s bike path. We had that peaceful walk all to ourselves, and we enjoyed every moment outside on this glorious day.

After our walk, we came home and rested until dinner. My mom had never tried In-N-Out before, so we took her there and ate outside while the sun set. Then we came home for FHE, during which Abe taught a lesson on the Proclamation to the World on the Family. Then we all helped Lydia learn her solfege hand signs for music class tomorrow.
It was such a sweet day, and I am sad to see it end. I am so sad to know it was our last full day with my mom, but Grandma, I know how delightful it is to have her around, and I am happy for you that you get to see her again soon! We love you!