I had an uncomfortable doctor’s visit today. I found out that I am 1% dilated and 70% effaced, though. Even though I have two kids, I still don’t totally know what that means, but I think it means Ammon is going to be here slightly before his due date.
After the visit, I hobbled to the car. I probably should have just rested for the remainder of the day, but the house was driving me crazy, so I spent the next seven hours cleaning. I can barely move now. That’s unfortunate, especially since I spent an hour looking at dessert blogs and want nothing more than to make myself some hot cocoa. I just know it would be pure pain getting down the stairs, but the prospect of hot cocoa makes it seem worth it. We’ll see.
I took a ten minute break from cleaning to administer snacks to the girls. They had to eat outside since I’d already mopped the floors and scrubbed down the table.Mary decided that she wants to potty train. I can’t believe how bad the timing is. I mean, can you imagine caring for a newborn and cleaning up accidents all day long? No thank-you. I have decided she can sit on the potty occasionally–if she begs–but otherwise, I am (currently) planning on sticking to my plan of potty training her right before her fourth birthday. I have heard great stories from friends who have done that, and it makes sense to me.Mom, Abe and I took a picture of our haircuts for you. This is us sleep-deprived and exhausted at the end of the day, but you get the idea.