Every morning I try to visualize the day ahead through my children’s eyes. Today that exercise helped me rally. We went to story time, ballet, the candy store, ballet and a splash pad. We also had bath time, reading time, together time–and I even folded all of the laundry! I am at the point where even walking hurts and intimidates me, and so I was really proud of myself for accomplishing so much today.
And it got better from there because tonight we got to go to a cooking class in Salt Lake at Sur la Table with all of Abe’s work team. I adore everyone on his team. The cooking class was also really fun and tasty. Plus, there are three other almost-due pregnant wives on the team, and it was great to commiserate.
Here are the day’s pictures:
Lucas and Kim are some of my favorite people. Brooke (almost cut out of the picture) is absolutely lovely as well, and I so enjoyed getting to know her better tonight.Todd and Ashley are some of the most spiritual and uplifting people we have ever met. We love them.
Royal and Jen. We just think these two are the best, and Jen is due one week before me!Sterling and eep!–I forget her name, even though we had a couple long and fun conversations. Abe mentors Sterling and gets to have him on his pod next quarter. They have four kids under age 5. The oldest is a girl and gets so upset whenever they don’t let her change the 11 week old’s diaper that they had to buy her a puppy. I could not believe this woman’s fortitude–she took on a second dog and a newborn AT THE SAME TIME. When I found out, my jaw might just have hit the floor.Cannoli.Our collective efforts yielded all of the dishes displayed on this beautiful plate. We all enjoyed eating the fruits of our labors at the end of class.