I have been dying to write about how sweet Ammon is, but I’ve been so tired lately I haven’t gotten the chance. We just adore this baby. He is so sweet and easy-going. Even though I feel like I can’t get anything else in life right, one thing that is going right is Ammon.
He brings out the best in Lydia and me. Mary is still keeping a bit of distance, and Abe has been so busy with work that he hasn’t really had a chance to bond with Ammon, but Lydia and I are totally in love. Lydia will sit with Ammon on her lap until long after her legs fall asleep, and I just adore seeing the two of them together. Yesterday she sang him the sweetest song she made up about how Ammon will always be her little brother and that no matter what he does, she will always love him. She sang about how even if he made bad choices when he grew up, he would always be her little brother and she would always be his big sister. It almost made me cry to hear her singing such sweet things.
I didn’t know what to expect with a boy since so far I’ve only had girls, but he has my whole heart.
Other random pictures from of late:

Here are some videos of the girls playing in the leaf pile today:
One video, Two videos, Three videos, Four.