Today I found out that our friend, Ina Jellins, passed away. I felt so sad when I learned this news. Ina has actually crossed my mind several times lately, but I have been so preoccupied with keeping a new baby alive and fighting lice that I neglected to call her. I felt really, really sad to learn that opportunity has passed. But at the same time I was happy for Ina. She had such a hard life and was in so much pain, and I am sure her eternal reward feels very sweet to her.
On a happy note, Mary’s glasses finally came today! We think she looks even cuter with them on. Ina adored Mary, and I am sure she peeked down from heaven today to see what Mary looks like with glasses.
Mary was happy with her glasses…for about ten minutes. Then came the tantrum. I tried every trick I knew to help her understand she needs to keep her glasses on. Finally I bribed her with a giant banana split, unlimited time with Diego, treats from Qualtrics, and a special trip to the toy store (which we both forgot about when the time came). She still hates her glasses. I can already see that this will be a daily battle…

Yesterday we paid hundreds of dollars for a lice specialist to help us solve our problems. I have decided that if Abe dies I will become a lice specialist. Ours made $125 an hour, not including head checks ($20 a head). That is way more money than I would ever make teaching piano, teaching English, or as a line chef in a restaurant. Everything I am (on paper) qualified to do pales in financial comparison with the de-lousing profession. Why did I even ever go to school? I have no idea. But at least now I have a lucrative back-up plan!