I really want to start blogging again daily, but things have felt so crazy lately. By the end of the day I am ready to jump off a cliff or go straight to bed. We have been trying to potty train Mary (unsuccessfully), and Lydia has been excessively rude and demanding. I’m pumping and nursing around the clock, and Ammon goes through an entire PACK of diapers every three days. For no good reason I feel guilty for all of the take-out we have been eating and so I’ve been trying to cook actual meals AND bake Christmas cookies with the girls. On top of it all, my Black Friday furniture is coming in every day, and so Abe and I are trying to madly fit in house projects on top of it all. I am slightly stressed out and have sworn off future offspring. Three is more than enough.
Today felt nice though. We had an incredible stake conference, and then after my nap we all watched Charlie Brown’s Christmas as a family. It was fun to be all snuggled up together.
I have pictures dating back to nine days ago, so in chronological order, here they are:

Also, Abe took these two cute videos of the girls today. They are singing “Caterpillar, caterpillar, tickle tickle on my arm…” This is one of my all-time favorite videos of the girls.