Lily told me that before she met me she had never heard of a “recovery day.” Apparently I have enlightened her on the concept, but a “recovery day” is a day where you literally expect nothing from yourself for a day because you are so worn out from the regular grind of life that you need a day to just relax. Lily and I have had so much fun this past week with Hawaii and Christmas, but we have definitely been in recovery mode recently as we unwind from all the activity.
On a sad note, all of Lily’s family has left. I had so much fun hanging out with them and they are also angelic house-guests, always cooking, cleaning and picking up take-out for everyone. Lily’s family really went the extra mile taking care of us and they were the guests! They are all such fine people and really fun to hang out with and we will really miss them.
Before everyone headed out Lily went with her family Saturday evening to see Star Wars. I offered to babysit since I had a virtual gift exchange that night and couldn’t go anyway and they all came back singing the praises of the movie. Apparently it was absolutely incredible.
Sunday morning Clark, Swathi and Soren left, but Georgia was still around which was great since we had Ammon’s baby blessing. My dad, Jere, Morgan, Mike Moran, Jay Pryzbela and I all performed the blessing. Among other things, I blessed Ammon to be strong, humble, reliant on God, gentle and a peace-maker. He cried through the entire blessing, which was odd since he’s usually so mild, but it all worked out fine.
After church, my dad, Suzanne and Jere came over to exchange Christmas gifts and have dinner. It was sooo nice to see them. Here are some pictures and videos from Sunday:
-Mary and Lydia get new towels
As I alluded to before, Monday was a slow and relaxing day. We just enjoyed our last day with Georgia and played with the kids. Lily and Georgia watched the movie Selma (an all time favorite for me and Lily) and Lily and I finished the day by watching part of Star Wars Episode 1.
Now all our guests have left and it’s a little more quiet around here….although with three kids, its still not all that quiet Here are some pictures that we snapped Saturday while everyone was still in town!