Ok, so this is the exact same title of my (Abe’s) blog post last week, but hey……It’s still exactly how I feel about Sundays.
Mornings are a little crazy with 9AM church and we always show up 15 minutes late, but today that felt like a major accomplishment since Lily and I were up until 1AM watching the last two episodes of Poldark last night. IT’S SO AMAZING I RECOMMEND THAT SHOW TO ANYONE! I thank my boss Lucas for the recommendation.
Church was really good. It was ward conference and the theme was gratitude. I really needed it since I tend to take things for granted and forget all that is being done for me to prop up my happiness.
After church, Lily napped and I rested and tidied the house and read in my patriarchal blessing which is a blessing that Mormons get when they are young which is to serve as a guide for the rest of their life. Today I read in my blessing the section that talks about the importance of family life.
When Lily got up, she cooked for two hours while I spent time with the kids and cleaned the house some more. We were preparing for dinner with our friends Todd and Ashley. Lily made salmon, Quinoa, cheese popovers and chocolate chip cookies, and Todd and Ashley brought an amazing salad with blackberries in it. The food was amazing and we had a super fun time talking. They told us ahead of time that they needed to by home in time for Peter’s (their son’s) bed-time at 8PM, but they stayed until 9 because we all had so much fun talking. The evening was a total blast. After the dinner party, I could not help myself and I went outside for 20 minutes or so to work on the snow-fort. It rained a lot last week which really weakened the fort. It’s built up better now though 🙂 Here are pictures with Todd and Ashley’s kids. Peter is so cute sitting with Mary, and Eliza is so gorgeous isn’t she?