Abe here. I live for Sundays. I’m also happy that now church is at 9am instead of 1pm. Although it is very hard to get everyone out the door (we are always late) we have so much day left to relax and be a family after church.
Church went super well. While I was teaching Sunday school, Mary gave a scripture in primary.

Also, for relief society, Lily gave her first ever relief society lesson. Everyone loved it and someone said that her lesson had more participation than they had ever had before in relief society. And here’s the real kicker: Lily enjoyed teaching! Lily was so sure that she would be so terrified standing up in front of everyone that it would be a miserable experience, but she actually enjoyed it. It was fun to hear her report about her debut as a relief society teacher. I wish I could attend the lessons!
I should also mention that Mary’s tights were falling down all day. We threw them away when we got home. You can see way we made that decision from the picture below 🙂

At home, we had lunch and then Mary actually took a nap at the right time (1pm!). While Lily, Mary, and Ammon napped, I played dolls with Lydia. Basically, it was her cat’s birthday (the cat’s name is Casper, – female) and all her friends had to get dressed and come to the party and give Casper presents. It was very fun 🙂
After some playing with Lydia, I got tired and join Lily for a nap. Lily got up before me and took care of the kids and made dinner while I finished my nap.
Dinner was an amazing souffle, apple-pear-spinach salad and leftover blueberry waffles. Everything was great, but the souffle was particularly outstanding.
After dinner we had some lounge time, tidied the house and talked with Lily’s mom. I love Sundays!!!