Abe speaking. A lot of good things going on in the Darais home these days.
Work has been a big struggle for me lately. I’m in a role that is a major stretch for me to try to fulfill and my learning and growth has been extensive. It is hard to not feel good at what I’m doing, but day by day I feel like I’m learning things and in my minds eye, I can see down the road to a time when I proficient and excelling again, like I did in my former roles.
On the home front, we have been enjoying amazing weather and also Lily has been feeling greatly inspired about her vision of home-life and even potentially home-schooling. She has been reading many books that have given her a vision of home-education, family dinner, the importance of outside play and other important topics. All her research and prayer has culminated in routines and structure to her day with the children that have been extremely rewarded. Lily has commented to me that she feels so good at the end of the day these days because of all that was accomplished towards the children’s development. I’m so grateful for her and the love, work, inspiration and sacrifice she pours into our children. It’s also been very fun to watch her receive inspiration from God on how to guide this family, especially in the department of raising our children.
So, I guess you could say that Lily and I are both in a learning phase where we are restructuring, strategizing and laying a foundation for what future daily ins-and-outs will be like both at work and at home. We feel like we are being led, and we are so grateful to have a relationship with God that allows us to enjoy the blessing of His guidance. Here are some pictures!