Tonight we had dinner with our friends, the Marchants. Todd and Ashley invited us over and we had so much fun talking with them. I am a little afraid we talked their ears off, but I always get freaked out after any social interaction. Abe has to build me up from scratch after even the best evenings with friends. But we sure love them, and I hope they still love us after having to listen to us chatter for so long!
I also read the most amazing book today. Jessi came over on Friday morning and lent me Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler’s Guide to Unshakeable Peace by Sarah Mackenzie. I am going to buy myself a copy and read it three times a year. It is THAT good. I learned many things, but one thing I am especially excited to apply this week is the use of aspirations. My favorite from her list of potentials is: “God, come to my aid. Lord, make haste to help me.” I will have plenty of chances to use this, I’m sure.
Lydia took some pictures of Ammon today. She was enchanted by the fact that he played with a food container. 🙂