Yesterday we left Ammon with a babysitter while we drove to Sundance and rode the ski lift. Jean and I were deep breathing and trying not to panic as the lift rose high above the ground, but the girls were delighted. Mary turned to Jean and exclaimed, “Isn’t it wonderful?”
It was wonderfully beautiful, and there were many times when we rode in complete solitude. I loved hearing the wind and seeing the breathtaking views of the mountains. When we reached the top, we started hiking, but we only got about ten minutes down the trail before the girls decided we should head back. We were trying to catch the Heber Creeper, so we acquiesced and rode the ski lift back down.
The Heber Creeper was lots of fun. The last time we rode it the weather was quite hot, but yesterday there was a nice cool breeze blowing through the windows. Lydia decided she was not scared of the train “robbers,” but I still observed her snuggling close to Jean when the robbers boarded. Mary decided she was still scared and hid her face in my lap with her hands over her ears.
After the train ride we headed over to June Pie to pick up a shepherd’s pie and a sour cream lemon pie for the trip home. They were delicious.
The sad part of the day came when we got home. I realized I had left no instructions for our poor babysitter. She had to sit in Ammon’s room and listen to him cry for hours because she did not know to feed him or that it was okay to take him outside to play. I felt so bad. Hopefully she still wants children after that ordeal. Ammon seems slightly traumatized too. This morning he put his head on my shoulder and cuddled for thirty minutes. I just love him.