Today was our first official day of home schooling. The word “official” means we followed a set schedule, held all of the learning in our classroom, and recited the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning. Lydia exclaimed multiple times that the best part of the day, which included ballet, an outing (to the grocery store), and playing outside with friends, was –home schooling! I can’t even express how happy that made me.
Mary also seemed to enjoy it, although her attention span is a little shorter. 🙂 Mary had Let’s Play Music today, and it was a parent day. I haven’t had much, if any, alone time with Mary for a long time. Parent days are nice that way; Mary and I get to cuddle, play together, and bond. My mom made that possible by staying home with the kids today.
Ammon is starting to stand for short periods on his own. He has been doing this for a couple weeks, but he’s starting to do it more regularly now.
Abe is heading down the home stretch of the quarter. He had a four day weekend and so today was a catch-up day. On top of that, he had six meetings. I don’t know how he handles it all so well.