Today was a marathon! With Lydia’s new Wednesday schedule, we had to switch her harp lessons to 8am on Tuesday morning. Usually Lydia is the first child up (sometimes even beating Ammon), but today, of course, she slept in. I had to wake her to get to her lesson on time.
And then Mary, who usually is up by 8, slept in until almost 9:30. She had Let’s Play Music at 10, and so we raced to get her ready. My mom was a great help because Mary had wet her bed. Taking care of that AND getting Mary to music on time was only made possible by my mom.
We also had ballet and errands today, not to mention home schooling. It was a packed one.
We had Thai red curry with potatoes, eggplant, and peppers. There was some tofu in there too, but if I had included that information in the previous sentence, it would have read like the ingredients list in a recipe.
While the girls were in ballet, I took Ammon to the splash pad. He was adorable, as usual.