Today was our itty bitty Mary’s birthday. Except–she’s not so itty bitty anymore! Actually, before my mom moved in, she was still pint sized. But my mom actually takes the time to feed Mary her dinner, whereas Abe and I would just put it in front of Mary and remove it an hour later untouched. Turns out if you actually feed them, they grow! Mary shot from still being able to wear 24 month clothing to a legitimate 3T–and sometimes even 4T!!!–in one summer. Wow.
When she woke up in the morning she got to eat the Fruit Loops she picked out a couple days ago for her birthday. Then we all piled in the car and went to the zoo. After the zoo, we did birthday errands and picked up her cake and party favors.
When we arrived home, the neighborhood kids descended on our house. They made it feel like a party from 4pm until 8pm. We had dinner, batted down a piñata, sang to Mary, ate cake and ice cream, and opened presents. It was chaotic and happy. We think Mary had a great time.
My mom made me promise I would include the next bit in the blog. After the zoo and birthday errands, we were driving home in the car. Mary piped up from her carseat and said, “Mom, you’re the best mom ever. I love you.” I was so touched and said, “Thank you, Mary! You made me feel really good.” She said, “That’s what birthday girls do! They make people feel good.”
And she does. We all went around tonight at bedtime and said things we love about Mary. Lydia started and said that Mary is happy and “active,” and she helps Lydia not be afraid at night. Lydia said she always wants Mary close by when she’s falling asleep. I said that I love how cheerful Mary is, and I love how she loves to learn. She can already read because she loves to learn! Abe said that he loves how Mary is so cheerful and says cute things. Nana said that Mary cheers her up by her cute sayings, her cheerfulness, and her dancing. Lydia kept exclaiming that we all love how cheerful Mary is. She charms our socks off every day, multiple times a day. Happy birthday, beautiful little Mary!!

Mary got a long jump mat for her birthday. The neighbor kids had a blast.