I recently read a blog post about how to celebrate, among other things, Wednesdays. What a great idea. Actually, Wednesday is a great day for me now that Lydia goes to school on Wednesdays. I can, theoretically, get so much more done with just two kids in the house.
Except…I’m not sure what I actually accomplished today. The laundry remains stubbornly undone, only now it’s distributed all over my floor. I threw it all around during a frantic search for a pair of Lydia’s clean undies. We used to have a ton of undies, and then I put one pair in the emergency prep duffel. Ever since you would think I had stored away all of her undies.
I did some brief lesson review with Mary, and we completed her birthday puzzles together. She was a happy, tired girl today. Last night she was up until 11pm because she could not come down from her happy birthday high. While we went around talking about what we loved about her, she appeared to be short-circuiting from joy. She was grinning, laughing, and undergoing regular full-body spasms of joy. Abe and I couldn’t bear to force her to go to sleep, so we let her stay up.
We were regretting that decision when Lydia wandered in at 2am asking if Mary’s doll house was complete. She was so excited to play with it. Finally she announced that she wanted to cuddle. After all of the attention Mary got, of course we let her cuddle. She tossed and turned for an hour before finally falling asleep.
On the Ammon front, we are in the throes of diaper rash because Ammon has changed his pooping schedule. He has decided to now poop six times a day. On the advice of one of my mom’s friends, I ordered some Penaten from Germany. I love the stuff, except during the second use the expensive container fell face down on the dirty carpet. I didn’t realize how dirty the carpet was until I picked up the Penaten. Darn. I am scooping around the dirt and hoping the Penaten will work anyway.
I visit taught and was visit taught today. I guess I have that to say for myself on the accomplishment front.
Here comes some lovely autumn rain. I love that sound of big, juicy drops hitting dried out leaves. Guess I’ll close up this post and all of the windows after that.