I got to spend some time with Ammon, Mary and Teddy after we dropped Lydia after school. It was such a sweet, peaceful way to start the day. I kind of wish I could have kept Teddy, except for the fact that Ammon got jealous and weepy when I spent too much time cuddling Teddy. (Also, I am sure Maria would prefer to keep her adorable child!)
We all watched The Jungle Book after dinner. Lydia has been singing “The Bare Necessities” for a month, so we thought it was time. What a fun movie. Also, Lydia’s teacher told me today that he loves Lydia. I was in a rush and couldn’t stop to chat, but that feedback made me very happy.
I took a million pictures of the kids this morning. I should have edited more out, but each picture captures slightly different expressions on each of the kids. I couldn’t choose, and since I don’t have to, I didn’t.
Oh! I almost forgot. I have two videos. This one is of Ammon and Teddy playing together. This one is of Mary making Ammon laugh. (It’s from a couple days ago, but I forgot to post it.)