We were hyper social today (by my socially-shy standards). I told Abe a couple months ago that we needed a halt to social activity because I was getting overwhelmed, but we have been easing back into social-ness for a couple weeks now.
This morning we had a lovely play date with the Grants. It was so fun to see my former mission companion, Julie, and all of her kids. Our kids are all about the same age, so they played beautifully together.
After they left, I bought the new Jungle Book for the girls. I didn’t intend to watch it with them but got drawn in by the gorgeous shots of the jungle. I ended up watching the whole thing.
This evening Abe and I went on a date with Lucas and Kim. We love them. First we went to a sushi restaurant and then we ended by watching Poldark together. I suspect I have ruined the series for myself by reading the books. While everyone else enjoyed being in the throes of agonizing suspense, I watched with a sense of perfect emotional detachment because I knew how it would play out. Next time I find a really great series, I will make sure not to ruin it by reading the books.