Lydia has been falling asleep every night in her harp bag under the piano. I play her the nocturnes that I listened to while I gave birth to her. It feels so sweet and tender.
Also, Lydia learned a whole new piece today! She learned “Honeybee” on the harp. I have a video here.
Because it was a half day for Lydia, we home schooled in the morning. I let Ammon sleep and Mary play during the afternoon. I played the piano and made chicken pot pie in pumpkins and a plum tart.
Abe is loving his new role in Qualtrics. He feels so happy at work. That makes us all so happy!
Also, Ammon took a lot of steps tonight. We clapped and cheered. He was so proud of himself. He tried to repeat the feat and clapped for himself. He is the cutest.