Today Abe and I were exhausted. I know I report that state of affairs with annoying regularly. In fact, I report it so regularly that I fear I sound like I am complaining. I don’t think I actually am. Mostly, I am aghast at what age and parenthood have done to us. Sadly, we are low-energy people, and we are getting old. We had to haul in a lot of salt for our water softener tonight, and we had to be mindful of Abe’s pulled leg muscle, my bad back, and my bad shoulder. I can’t wait to see what our forties bring.
Even though we’re old and decrepit, our kids are not. Here are pictures of them enjoying their healthy young bodies outside:

An example of how fatigue shaped today: I went to Old Navy after FHE tonight hoping to find some yoga clothes. I have one yoga outfit that doesn’t require constant adjusting during class. I found exactly nothing at Old Navy that would solve my problem, BUT I was so tired that I walked out of there with a new wardrobe for Mary. She gets Lydia’s hand-me-downs, but I can’t figure out what happened to all of our 4T clothing. We do go through decluttering spurts, so perhaps we accidentally donated all of it? I have no idea. Anyway, that’s my excuse for buying her a new wardrobe. I think the real reason is that my prefrontal cortex, responsible for my executive function, is damaged from fatigue.
Abe has to give a training tomorrow on “creating your own luck.” He is the Qualtrics poster child for the Qualtrics dream of rising bottom to management at lightning speed, and so they asked him to do this training. Did I mention that Abe is very tired? It’s 10:21pm at night, and here’s what his slide deck for his training tomorrow looks like:
Yup. He has one slide. It’s the title slide. Wish him luck!
Here are the pictures from today:

After our shots, the kids played in the new Qualtrics kids’ room.
Then we had FHE at Qualtrics in a meeting room.
…And that’s a wrap! Actually, I wish that were true. Abe still has to research and write his whole presentation. I should read my book club book, and I need to dream feed Ammon. Yikes.