Today we stayed in all day. The air was not great outside and so the kids had a pj day. Lydia and I spent the whole morning having a face-off over harp practice. Because it was Saturday, I realized I could totally disengage, settle down with a book, and let her pout away massive amounts of time between drills. If Abe hadn’t intervened after two and a half hours, we might still be at the harp.
Once Abe came, he encouraged her to keep working away at her drills until she was finished. Bless him. If I had tried that, I would have ended up yelling. I am grateful for a husband with such incredible self-restraint. It’s so ironic because my whole reasoning for music practice is to instill discipline and self-restraint in the kids, but the parent with the most discipline and self-restraint appears to be Abe, who spent his childhood running around outside. Sigh.
I did venture outside in the evening to get fruit and pizza. It took me an hour and a half to drive the twenty minutes to the pizza place in Provo we like. Traffic was going 3 mph. I kept double checking the speedometer to make sure I wasn’t crazy.
When I came home, I discovered that Abe had crafted an airplane with the girls. After dinner, he gave airplane rides to all of the kids. We couldn’t believe Lydia fit in the narrow box. She and Ammon are basically about the same hip width!! Ammon threw himself on the ground sobbing and screaming every time Abe took him out of the airplane. We all thought his tears were such cute evidence of how much fun he has with Abe.