On Wednesday Ammon had a pediatrician appointment. He remembered that the doctor’s office meant shots, and when we laid him down for the shots, the poor thing sobbed and screamed his little heart out. I felt so sad for him. 🙁
He had fun before the shots, though! He loved the aquarium.I actually dislike a lot about our pediatrician situation. I don’t like how hot the office is, how the pediatrician still doesn’t know my kids’ names, and how inconvenient the parking is at the office. They also have a wacky reminder system that told me I had an appointment on Wednesday, but the appointment was actually for a week later. The wonderful receptionist changed it on the spot when I came in. But I have prayed about switching and I (so far) have always felt impressed to stay. So we continue going, even if I don’t like it that much. And that has nothing to do with this happy picture of Ammon before his shots.