I contemplated back-dating a bunch of separate blogs to document the week, but…I can’t. We’re about to watch Moana as a family, and I am just going to hit the highlights of what happened.
My mom went on a trip this past week to Monterey for a mission reunion. She had a wonderful time visiting with her dear friends. She was a little nervous about the travel, but everything went perfectly (most likely due to her prayers).
We all missed her! I think Ammon developed separation anxiety because when we left him with a babysitter Thursday and when I put him in the gym childcare Friday, he cried a lot. That’s new. When my mom got back, she greeted Ammon while he was in the bath, and he freaked out when she tried to leave the room. We are glad she’s back!
On Monday the Marshalls had us over for dinner. We had the best time. I adore Chelsea’s cooking, and even though I had to be rude and duck out in the middle of dinner for Mary’s piano lesson, I still accepted the invite because I couldn’t bear to miss out!
We had so much fun that we repeated the experience on Wednesday. For some reason I had a ton of extra energy, so I cooked a gorgonzola-apple quiche, mussels, cornish hens with roasted grapes and shallots, and I roasted way too many carrots. I also baked two chocolate buckwheat cakes for dessert and made a berry sauce for them. I was SO proud of myself for getting that done on a weekday when my mom was gone AND Abe was in Salt Lake and didn’t get home until minutes before the Marshalls came over. Not only did the stuff get cooked, but Ammon was alive and the house was clean! I can’t even explain how happy I felt about all of that. I felt abnormally functional. It was happy–and very strange.
On Wednesday night I had so much energy that I got up at 3 am to fold laundry, and on Thursday I deep cleaned the whole house. In the evening Abe and I joined his parents to go to the Elton John concert that Qualtrics hosted. It was my first rock concert ever, if Elton John counts as a rock concert. I am told he falls more into the oldies/classic rock genre. At any rate, it was my first and last such event. I found everything much too loud, but I did enjoy watching a whole stadium of people dance and enjoy themselves. Even though I could not personally enjoy it myself, I loved seeing the joy expressed by thousands of people dancing and singing along.
On Friday my mom returned home! Also, my friend Paige and her kids stopped by for a surprise play date. It was so wonderful to see them.
Today we spent the morning getting our practicing in, and then our neighbor came over for a very noisy play date. Thankfully Ammon slept through the noise. After he finally woke up, we took the kids to our amazing Orem park, and then we went to the Sweet Tooth Fairy for treats (and to inquire about a birthday cake for Lydia. I decided I will just do it myself.).
We are currently watching Moana, so I am going to end this post now. I will post pictures later–if I can find any from the week!