Girl!!! …Or, at least, that’s the nurse practitioner’s 70% guess. After visiting teaching, I headed straight to my OBYGYN appt, and the nurse could not find the heartbeat for the baby. I had five minutes of pure repentance while she went to get a handheld ultrasound to see if she could see the baby’s heartbeat.
Before she came back, I prayed so much and told God I was sorry that I have not been more enthusiastic about this pregnancy. While wondering whether there would be a heartbeat I discovered very quickly that I WANT this baby!!! And I am grateful for the privilege of being able to conceive and bear life!!!! I have taken that for granted I think and focused way too much on selfish things. But wow, I have had a change of heart and can not wait to meet this next member of our family.
Anyway, the nurse came back with the ultrasound and found the baby’s heartbeat. She also discovered that the baby is a girl. She showed me the ultrasound, which we studied together. The baby really does look like a girl!! We spiritually felt that we would have a girl next, so this was confirmation of those impressions.
After the ultrasound, I went to pick up Lydia and then we met up with Jessi and Henry in a mountain park. I actually told them the wrong park, and so the kids and I set up a picnic and ate most of it before discovering my mistake. Whoopsy! Thankfully, Jessi and Henry were in a neighboring park, and we fixed our mistake. We didn’t have a long time to visit, but it was nice to see them.
Then the girls came home and played for hours with the neighbor kids. We brought them their dinners outside so Ammon and the adults could have a peaceful dinner inside. Bless this warmer weather.