The leprechauns visited us on St. Patrick’s Day! Those sneaky tricksters made a huge mess! They built a block tower, scattered gold chocolate coins around, brought us plants, set out Lucky Charms, dropped their hats…and peed in our potty. The girls were most thrilled about that last part. They couldn’t believe leprechauns used our potty. (I was concerned that the green food dye would stain, but thankfully it flushed right off!)
Mary had an eye appointment right after breakfast, and from there we rushed to drop off Lydia at school. Then I went swimming, came home and put Ammon down for a nap.
Friday is an early-out day for Lydia, so after putting Ammon down I picked up Lydia and did errands. We returned one of the dresses I bought Thursday and did more shopping.

In the evening we headed toward Salt Lake because I thought we had tickets for the family-series of the Utah Symphony. Luckily, we discovered en route that the tickets were for Saturday morning–not Friday night! So we made a quick detour and took the girls to Beauty and the Beast. We had no idea it was opening night, but the crowds at the Thanksgiving Point megaplex reminded us of Disneyland–no exaggeration. There were literally thousands of people going to the movies. It was quite an experience, but we will never use that theater again!