For FHE tonight we went to Lowe’s and got soil and little seed pots to plant our seed starts. All of our heirloom seeds came a couple weeks ago, and we also traded and shared seeds with our friends, the Crofts. Between their seeds and ours we had an abundance of exciting starts!
Also, Mary’s piano lesson went better than expected. We had a breakthrough in practicing today, and I think that helped. I just learn that we need to block out at least an hour and a half because Mary can get through ten repetitions if I let her a) read a book at the beginning b) let her play a matching game in between repetitions c) give her a coloring activity between repetitions. It takes a looong time, but it is more effective than what her teacher suggested: jumping jacks and sips of water. I tried that last week. Mary did six hundred jumping jacks and didn’t seem phased or tired in the slightest–not to mention she had trouble refocusing on her practice.
And, in other news, Abe hit his quota today!!! We are very grateful. Not that it means his stress is alleviated–he is still busy and working like crazy, but at least that pressure is off for the next week and a half (until we start the craziness all over again in April).