On Thursday after school I took the kids to the library. I had not pre-registered the girls for the cool discovery program, so we stood in the standby line and made it in by the skin of our teeth!
While the girls were making clay fossils, Ammon, Clarissa and I hung out in the preschool-play area. Ammon was overjoyed to learn he was allowed out of his stroller. We played and read books until 5pm. I want to do this every week–it was so fun!
Ammon and Clarissa have competing needs. Clarissa needs me to be home, comfy, and available for nursing at any time. Ammon needs to be out. of. the. house.
He is tired of being cooped up, and he is destroying everything in sight. So I have been just nursing Clarissa in parking lots and depending on the Solly wrap to keep her happy while I try to preserve my house and keep Ammon happy (not, er, in that order).