On Saturday I woke up and decided I needed a hair cut. The A-line I got months ago was growing out to the point that I couldn’t just wash it and go. I need a haircut that washes-and-goes.
My hairdresser moved! It was so sad, so I tried out a new one. She was so sweet, but I really did not like her work. She was brand new and in her first job, and now my hair shows that. Oh, well. Good thing I’m not in the running for any most-put-together-human awards.
Abe took Ammon on a run to the duck pond, and that thrilled Ammon’s little heart to bits.
Sadly, Abe’s knee got inflamed on the way home, and he limped for the rest of the day. I felt so bad for him.
The girls enjoyed playing outside the whole day. In the evening my mom went for a swim while Abe took the kids to Target.
I stayed home with Clarissa to nurse her and clean the house.
I amĀ dying to declutter the: kitchen, my closet, my bathroom drawers, the medicine cabinet, the mantle, the laundry room, and the piano room. That’s what that nesting urge is for–to get the house ready BEFORE the baby comes because afterwards, it is soooo hard to do anything! The minute I feel perky enough to do a project, Clarissa feels perky enough to nurse or Ammon decides to tear something apart or one of the girls has a tantrum.
However, on Saturday evening, I did manage to put three puzzles away and “help” Abe hang some garlands. (Really I just told him where to hang them.)