Abe and I both had great days today. Abe and his team are finishing the quarter pretty well, and I felt relatively functional. My toe seems on the mend again, so I can sort of do stuff again! That meant a bunch of laundry got done and put away, the kids were fed/nursed multiple times, I took the kids to Qualtrics for homework and play after school, and Abe and I went on a date.

On our date we went to the library where I checked out books on knitting, crochet, all the needle crafts, canning and preserving, quinoa bowls, dressing yourself after your body has changed, Tiger babies who struck back, Martha Stewart Cakes, and the best cookie recipes from Gourmet Magazine. After all that, I saw a picture of a newborn baby in a knitted hat and decided I really should just be staring at my baby all day long. This stage will be gone before I know it!