On Friday I took Ammon, Mary, and Clarissa to the Museum of Ancient Life at Thanksgiving Point. We were going to go to the zoo again for Mary’s 100 chart reward, but on the way it started hailing. We opted for the indoor museum instead.

When we left, Ammon threw a huge, uncharacteristic tantrum because he wanted to dig in the other pit. I had Clarissa strapped to my front, and I somehow dragged Ammon and the stroller to the far, far away front door and out into the hail. Once we reached the outdoors, Ammon threw himself down on the ground in the hail. By the grace of God and with Mary sweetly pushing the stroller, I managed to drag Ammon through icy puddles and to the car. It was a nightmare, but we survived.
In the afternoon Abe played in the Qualtrics bowl. He was a superstar! He made a lot of amazing plays and got called MVP by some of his friends. This was extremely comforting to Abe, who bemoans the deterioration of his body on a daily basis. He is continually amazed at how much less athletic he feels and how his body doesn’t do what he wants it to do. This, he has concluded, is a combination of aging and his desk job, in spite of his standing desk. His great playing in the Qualtrics football game put him on a high for the rest of the day and made him feel young again! It also made him sore all weekend long.
For dinner I was in the mood for some soup and quiche. It was cold outside! I made potato leek soup, arugula salad, and a spinach quiche. It felt like a nice ending to a crazy day. Since I made so much pie dough early in the week, it was a really easy, nice ending to a crazy day.