Swathi was so sweet and scheduled us massages on Saturday. Mine was at nine in the morning, and it was the first time after Friday that I felt slightly calmed down. I loved the voice of my masseuse. She sounded like a professional story teller! Her voice was perfectly cadenced and was husky and musical.
I also loved the receptionist. She was one of the kindest, happiest people I have ever met in my life. She was one of those people you have trouble believing are real, but she was. And the massage itself was amazing. I loved it.
After the massage I joined the rest of the family across the street at a restaurant for breakfast. It was delicious, although I envied Janine’s order of brussel sprouts, bacon and grits. It looked like a delicious dish.

After breakfast Abe and Clark took the kids to the park. Some of the pictures below are from an earlier outing to the park on a different day, but I don’t remember when that was so I am just throwing them in here.
Speaking of undated pictures, we have this beauty taken I-have-no-idea-which-day:
In the evening we walked around Clark and Swathi’s neighborhood and ended up at a renovated YMCA that has since been turned into a restaurant and basketball court.
And Soren and Ammon took a bath together at the end of the day. They were so cute. Soren was singing “swimming in the ocean breeze!” and Ammon would chime in with “beez!”