This Spring (now getting into Summer) has reminded me how much I love Utah weather. It has been between 60 and 80 degrees almost every single day for the past month or more. It has been so wonderful! Now I know what people in Southern California coast feel like every day of the year!
As for me, work was a bit tough on Friday. I didn’t sleep a lot Wednesday or Thursday night, and I had worked out a lot (to help with stress and because I love exercise) so my body felt very depleted. On top of that, I was just feeling worn out from the demands of my player/coach role, that is, leading a team of 7 people, but still being responsible for a separate full-time job, which is fulfilling my own quota of $100,000 each quarter. One more promotion and my personal quota drops. I can’t wait for that! Anyway, I was feeling worn out Friday, but it was still a good day. Most of my focus was around an onsite presentation to a CMO, CTO and 5 VPs that I have on Monday with two teammates. I hope it goes well!
Lily has been doing a lot of thinking about the paper she is working on to present at the Mormon symposium. She’s super overwhelmed, and starting to think it’s not worth it to jam it into her life right now, when there is such a beautiful summer to be enjoyed with the family without additional strains. At the same time, her writing feels very compelling to her. I’ve enjoyed talking with her as she thinks through how she wants to spend her time. She is beautiful!
When I got home, I spent time outside with the family, and gorged myself on three huge pieces of amazing pizza that Lily made. She hand-made a delicious whole-wheat oatmeal crust. I caught this darling picture of Lily with the two girls enjoying the good weather:
We got the children ready for bed after dinner. As I was trying to coax Lydia into getting in the bath, she was excitedly showing me her new mask. She crafted it (with Georgia’s help) from instructions that came in her Rainbow Magic craft book that Lily bought for her.
Lydia is OBSESSED with Rainbow Magic books. I’m guessing that she averages reading about 3 per day. I couldn’t help myself so I staged this photo of her reading while sitting on top of a stack of 25 Rainbow Magic books (most of which I think she’s already read) and they are only a couple of weeks old!
Then we put the children down, except for Clarissa, who had a late nap. I took her outside, and put her in the football hold with one arm while I watered the garden with my other. I couldn’t believe that our corn sprouted! The garden is really looking good so far this year! Our strawberries are also doing very well.