Whenever our kids go through the stage where they have just learned how to pull themselves up to stand, sleep training regresses. Clarissa, who recently learned how to pull herself up, is so enamored with this new skill that she pulls herself up to stand by the edge of her crib instead of drifting off to sleep. It is now 10pm and the poor child is exhausted and in tears because she hasn’t gone to sleep but is too excited about standing to drift off. Sometimes life is so hard.
We had a packed and happy Saturday today. In the morning I planned our meals and craft projects for the week, while Abe made waffles with the kids and brought me breakfast in bed. Then I briefly attended a baby shower before we all left on errands to Joann’s, Michael’s, Deseret Book, and Smith’s.

After we finished our errands, we came home and I made Sloppy Joe’s. Today is my Grandma Clarissa Cullen’s 100th birthday! She used to make Sloppy Joe’s, so this was an appropriate dinner. I actually forgot this was my grandma’s birthday, but in fact I spent a lot of the morning meditating on my grandma. I love her so much. She is a guiding star for me.