Friday morning Ammon learned how to rip his baby-proof door handle off of his door. I spent the next six hours in my “bitch on wheels” mode–as my therapist calls it. I was in a very bad mood and life seemed bleak without the prospect of Ammon’s daily nap time in it.
By 2:30 I was out of control screaming at the kids like I haven’t screamed in a long time, so I packed everyone up and drove us to the zoo. It was kind of late for a trip to Salt Lake, and I spent the first ten minutes of the drive yelling at the girls about various things. After I finally calmed down, the day got so much better.
We all had a great time at the zoo, thanks to my forgiving, sweet children.

When we got home, my mom had cleaned the house and Abe was decluttering. We meant to put the kids straight to bed, but Abe, Lydia and I got distracted by Ammon. We were all trying to put him down, but he worked himself up into a singing frenzy! He danced around his room for the better part of an hour singing “Coconuck, Coconuck!!!” We watched in delighted amusement as he jumped up and down like a pogo stick, singing joyfully at the top of his lungs about every random subject you could think of. It was an evening to remember.