Book club

On Friday morning after Lydia’s music lesson we came home and the girls experimented with Mary’s new light board. Mary drew a lot of her signature, happy art:


It was the last day of Abe’s worst quarter. We are so glad it’s behind us.

We spent a lot of time outside in the beautiful weather. I visited with my neighbors, Emily and Matt, quite a bit. It was so fun chatting with them. I also finally convinced Emily to come to book club with me. That was a huge win!

In the evening we went to book club and had such a great time chatting with friends. There was a mouse there, though, and so I did almost die when that appeared. Afterward I also had crazy social anxiety and over-analyzed everything I said and did and felt like I must have been the most obnoxious person ever at book club. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have so many opinions. I wish that the opinions I have weren’t so strong. And I also wish I didn’t share them so freely–it must be so annoying to have to listen to! On the other hand, I love everyone there, so I just feel so darn comfortable that I overshare. On the other hand again, when I overshare, the conversation always gets a lot more juicy. This time around my oversharing prompted Jill to share SO many helpful things about parenting. She has such an awesome perspective, and I love her a lot. I am so grateful for my friends, even if I wish I were less obnoxious when I am around them!