On Wednesday the girls had their parent ballet recital. Abe, my mom, the babies and I all took turns going from class to class so we could see both Mary and Lydia, who are in different classes. They were both very serious and cute about their dances.
After we went to the next door restaurant to warm up and bumped into Clive Moon, our minister friend. He invited us to his rare book store and took us to the back room where he opened his vaults and showed us treasure after treasure.
Sitting in the store sleigh.Clarissa enjoying the warm book store right before she freaked out and compelled Abe to take her outside in the freezing cold and entertain her for an hour.Clive showed us the Book of Mormon used by Samuel Smith, the first missionary from our church, on his first mission.This is Joseph Smith’s thumb Bible.Lydia got to hold the thumb Bible and Mary held Joseph Smith’s Book of Mormon.Lydia asked if he had a copy of Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Clive turned around and grabbed a first edition copy signed by Harriet Beecher Stowe and let Lydia hold it. AMAZING.Mary got to hold an important copy of the Book of Mormon. Clive has copies owned by Joseph, Samuel, Sophronia, and Alvin Smith, as well every other important Book of Mormon you could imagine, AND all of the personal scriptures from the latter day prophets, so I can’t remember which one this was.Marie Antoinette’s personal thumb Bible.The store cash register (that they actually use) dates to 1819.Bonaparte’s signature.Helen Keller’s signature.Dr. Seuss’s letter and signature.King George’s signed copy of Handel’s Messiah