On Monday we were up at 3am and got everything and everyone loaded in the car within forty minutes. Against all of my worst fears, we had a really easy time at the airport and a relatively easy flight. Clarissa slept the first fifteen minutes in my baby carrier on me, and after she woke up Abe entertained her all the way to Seattle. Thank you, Abe.
When we got to Seattle, we couldn’t believe how fresh and clean the air was. Clark and Swathi live in a forested area, and the air was incredible. We spent a lot of the rest of the day breathing deeply and napping.
The shuttle. The kids were very cheerful, especially considering the hour. I think they were very excited for our trip.
There was a dead mouse in our airport gate, and I had to really control myself not to freak out at the fact that our little kids could not help crawling all over and playing on the floor. It was so disgusting.happy Ammon on the plane.Abe’s team noticed his bashed up travel bag and gifted him this beautiful carry on for Christmas. Abe was incredibly touched. Mary loved wheeling it around.
We made it to Clark and Swathi’s house!!! After a snack, Clark went out and picked up a feast of Filipino food. We had chicken adobo, tofu curry, pansit, and eggrolls. It was so delicious.