I’m also temped to call my title “A Lazy Saturday” for the following reasons:
- The day started for me after getting about 11 hours or sleep
- I left the house only once for fifteen minutes to get carpet cleaner from target for Ammon’s accidents.
- At Target, I was in my slippers, shorts, a t-shirt and my sports goggles (my actual glasses broke and the new ones are on the way, and I hadn’t troubled yet to put in my contacts). I’m sure I looked amazing.
- I “got ready for the day” at 7PM after Ammon and Clarissa went to sleep
- After “getting ready for the day” I sat on the couch with Lily, Mary, and Lydia and watched Harry Potter 2 while binging on cookies and popcorn (we went through three bags).
- After the movie, Lily and I started watching the TV series Victoria (very good).
But I decided NOT to call my title “A Lazy Saturday” for these following reasons:
- With 4 young children, lazy days are physically impossible.
- Lily was proud of me showering and putting on nice clothes at 7PM and “never saying die”
- Lily did back-to-back classes of pilates and hot yoga, went into some kind of systemic shock and replenished at Aubergene until she felt better.
- I got an hour or two of work done.
- I had a wonderful scripture study focused on the Savior’s sermon on the mount.
- I and (mostly) Lily cleaned the entire house in the morning.
- Ammon made major progress potty training.
- I made the kids steel cut oats in the morning and a very nice lunch.
- Lily and I did music practice with the girls.
- We had a dance party.
I actually quite liked today. It was a nice blend of lazy, irresponsible and replenishing with doing the responsible things that (hopefully) mattered the most.
Here is a video of our dance party. Below are two more pictures.

Below is a picture of lunchtime: