Today I went to both hot pilates and bikram in the morning while Abe managed to hold down the fort at home. He was exhausted so they all watched Lilo and Stitch and were about to start lunch when I got home.
I helped Lydia through another difficult practice and then drove her to a friend’s house for a play date.
Then I showered, Abe took down our Christmas lights (we’re early according to our normal standard, which is, um, May), and we did the pretty jigsaw puzzle again. We accidentally put it away before Mary saw the finished product, so I spent most of Clarissa’s nap happily and hurridly re-assembling it.
After that I helped Mary practice. During that time Abe did an AMAZING job cleaning the house. Afterward we drove to Barnes and Noble to get the rest of the books in Lydia’s new series, Percy and the Olympians. We also got her a book of Greek Myths because she is learning about them in school and loving them in her new series. I got Mary two little books too because she feels left out a lot.
Then we stopped at Trader Joe’s, put the babies down, and now I’m blogging and Abe’s working. It was a very relaxed day (practices and almost dying in my workouts aside…).