
On Thursday I felt really overwhelmed by Clarissa. Normally on Thursdays I take the kids to the library, but she was sick this Thursday. I think she got sick from the last library trip when she would not be deterred from sucking on the drinking fountain.

She is so adorable and starting to talk and say cute things. At the same time, I am just under water trying to keep up with her. So by the time the afternoon rolled around, I was feeling kind of depressed. Abe called and after he found out I was feeling bad, he came home a little early, gave me a massage, and helped me declutter and clean the whole house. Nothing makes me feel better these days than massages and a clean house. Thank you, Abe.

We took pictures of these plates Lydia made a while ago. They have been decorating our mantle because it makes me so happy to look at them, but in our decluttering, we took them down. I want to preserve them in memory at least because they are such a darling representation of our family, as depicted by seven year old Lydia: