Today we thought we would sleep in because we put the kids down at 10pm last night. We grossly underestimated Lydia’s enthusiasm for holidays. She was up by 6:30am, and by 6:45 she and Mary had both discovered their baskets and scouted out where all of the eggs were hidden.
But the good news is we made it to church on time! And it was the most beautiful Sunday church I could possibly imagine. The Primary kids sang “Gethsemane” for the prelude music, we had wonderful speakers, and another great choir number in the middle. Then we had the BEST Sunday School class where we got to discuss, as a ward, the last week in the life of Jesus. It was so wonderful. I loved hearing the testimonies of my fellow ward members.
In the afternoon we finally told Lydia the truth about the Easter Bunny, Santa, and leprechauns. We weren’t very straightforward about fairies. Abe took her into the garage to tell her, and the first thing Lydia said was, “I know. I guessed because in the morning after these big holidays, you and Mom have big circles under your eyes, like you were up really late!” We thought that was cute. The rest of the evening Lydia was so excited at her knew knowledge and kind of buzzed around everywhere in a happy, excited state.
Nick and his roommate, James, joined us for Easter dinner. We discussed the last week of Jesus again for an hour. They were so delightful and I felt so blessed by their comments and insights.
Then the kids, Abe and I walked around the neighborhood delivering pansies to the families we minister to. We talked with those families and about three other families who were outside. It took over an hour, and we just enjoyed our neighbors so much.
Also, Mary wrote my mom the most beautiful note: