On Monday Mary said she wanted to go to the zoo, and I had totally forgotten to give the girls snuggles on Sunday night, so according to a deal we made that meant they got to skip their music practice. So the zoo was perfect! We had lots of time for it and the weather was sunny and crisp. I have no pictures because my phone is acting up. 
On the way down we listened to Hamilton and I tried to explain the story to the girls. I was a little nervous about explaining the whole sex scandal part, but then I figured we gave the girls the sex talk when they were practically babies and have tried to keep the dialogue going, so, er, why not discuss what it means to have an affair (and also why this is such a bad, bad decision)??? I tried to sound really casual explaining it, but I must not have been thorough enough the first time because when I said, “any questions?” Lydia replied that she didn’t understand anything I had just said and could I please try again.
Aside from Hamilton, we had the BEST time at the zoo. I was over the moon in love with my kids, who were darling (okay, except for Ammon who would not listen during the bird show and kept trying to wander off and explore the bird habitats on the side. But I still love him anyway.). The girls cuddled with me during the show, I think because it was cold, although I prefer to think it was because they just love me that much. Clarissa kept saying, “HUG!” and leaned in to give me a big hug each time, which prompted the girls to ooh and ahh over how cute she is and pile on the hugs.
We did the carousel, and it was really fun to hold Clarissa who kept saying, “Wheee!” in between looking solemnly around without cracking a smile. She reminded me a little of Baby Lydia.
I also worked out a lot. In the morning I did an hour and a half of bikram yoga, after which I raced home to shower, get everyone and everything ready for the outing, walked acres in the zoo, came home, cooked dinner, cleaned the house, and then went to cross-fit with Abe. Cross-fit was SO HARD. I felt really out of my comfort zone and sometimes wondered if I was going to die. But we powered through and then came home, at which point Carolyn Blosil came over with rhubarb dessert for me. She is the Relief Society president, and I have been dying to give her a hug ever since I decided to leave church. It was so wonderful to hug her, visit, and eat her dessert. It felt like grace on a plate.
Then I gave my mom, the girls, and Abe massages before falling asleep. It was a big day!